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Why Your Heating Bill May Be Higher Than Normal

Why Your Heating Bill May Be Higher Than Normal

Why Your Heating Bill May Be Higher Than Normal

The winter can be an expensive time of year. Between the holiday spending and increased energy bills, your wallet may start to hurt. What if we told you your heating bills don’t need to be so expensive? It’s true, there are many minor changes you can make to save money this winter. Keep reading to learn why your bills may be higher than normal and what you can do to lower them!


Air leaks and drafts can take a major hit to your heating bill each month. Your system may be working overtime to warm your home because so much warm air is slipping out. Investigate your home for any cracks or gaps, usually around doors and windows. Additionally, consider the insulation in your home. If your home is poorly insulated, then it’s likely that your heating bills are going to be much higher than the average. Add insulation and fill any cracks found around your home. Otherwise, not only is warm air slipping out, but cold air is seeping in, costing you money. 

Heating System

The age and type of system you have in your home can have a big impact on your monthly bills. An efficient heating system can greatly reduce your costs. If your current system is making odd noises, heating rooms unevenly or not at all, or if it’s 10 years or older, it might be time to replace it. Consider having HVAC professionals from Climatech of Professional Air out if you are having any concerns. Additionally, enrolling in a scheduled maintenance plan can make a difference in your system’s longevity and efficiency. These plans are a great way to lower your monthly energy bills. 

Less Sunlight

The sun can be an impressive help when it comes to keeping your home cozy during the day. As winter comes in, we all adjust to shorter daylight hours. Unfortunately, this means our homes have less of a chance to get warm during the daytime. While the sun is out, be sure to open your blinds and drapes to allow the sun to shine inside. Close those curtains again when the sun goes down to retain the warmth. 

Faulty Thermostat

A broken thermostat can be the culprit behind many steep heating bills. If you find yourself constantly cranking up the heat to no avail, take a closer look at your thermostat. While your system could be working just fine, your thermostat might not be doing its job. To be proactive, replace your outdated thermostat with a SMART thermostat. You can program these advanced systems to heat certain zones of your home more or less, depending on your usage. Or, you can schedule the thermostat to allow the home to be cooler while you’re away from home, and heat up again before your return. The options are endless! Having this technology in your home will make a difference in your heating bills. 

Get In Touch!

If you have any concerns about your heating system or increased heating bills, give us a call at 850-857-4700! Our technicians are happy to help find a solution to your problems. You can also email us at [email protected]

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