healthy home

Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality During Allergy Season 1

Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality During Allergy Season

Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality During Allergy Season It won’t be too much longer when the weather will turn warm and stay that way for several months. Warmer weather means trees and flowers blooming. Trees and flowers blooming means our cars, driveways, patios, rooftops and anything else exposed to the outside elements will be covered […]

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Why is it important to replace your old thermostat? 2

Why is it important to replace your old thermostat?

Why replace your old thermostat? There are several reasons why you should, especially if you still have one of the old “dial type” thermostats. Think about this: are you still using the first computer you bought? Think of the advances in technology that have been made since the old Commodore 64 computer. Even the iPhone

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Ten Energy Saving Tips for Pensacola Homeowners 3

Ten Energy Saving Tips for Pensacola Homeowners

Ten Energy Saving Tips for Pensacola Homeowners As a homeowner living in the Panhandle, you already know a significant portion of your energy usage goes towards powering your heating and air conditioning system. But you shouldn’t have to worry every time you open your energy bill that the number before you will be astronomical —

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Why Proper Installation is the Key to Maximize HVAC Efficiency 4

Why Proper Installation is the Key to Maximize HVAC Efficiency

Purchasing a new energy-efficient air conditioner for your home probably isn’t anything you’re concentrating on right now. But if you are leaning towards buying a better system, good for you. Today’s high-efficiency systems not only save you money, but they also provide a good service toward the environment. When you get ready to purchase your

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How to Maximize Your Home’s Insulation 5

How to Maximize Your Home’s Insulation

Having an under-insulated attic is one of the biggest energy sucking culprits in your home. Luckily, there are several easy steps you can take to ensure your attic is properly insulated, which may save you a considerable amount on your energy bills each month. Read below for steps on how to properly insulate your attic.

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What are you getting from your maintenance agreement_ climatech pro air

What Are You Really Getting With Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement in Florida?

What Are You Really Getting With Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement in Florida? HVAC maintenance agreements are common for most homeowners. It only takes one A/C breakdown on an unbearably hot Pensacola day to make you realize the importance of your HVAC system. Once you have your system repaired, you may wonder what can be done

What Are You Really Getting With Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement in Florida? Read More »