Kelsey Lawrence

The Nate-Certification Advantage 1

The Nate-Certification Advantage

Climatech of Professional Air is proud to send NATE-Certified technicians into customers’ homes across Pensacola and the Florida Panhandle every day. While this distinction of being Nate-Certified surely sounds reaffirming, what does it actually mean? North American Technician Excellence NATE, an abbreviation for North American Technician Excellence, is the nation’s largest non-profit certification organization for heating, […]

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Why Your Home’s Air Quality Is Important 2

Why Your Home’s Air Quality Is Important

It seems we constantly hear of things not to do. Don’t drink diet sodas. Don’t drink milk. Don’t eat fast food. Don’t eat bacon. Don’t use the microwave. Your home should have an air purification system. Ok, we agree with that last one. Indoor air quality is something you can control without giving up your

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Your Home 3

Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Your Home

Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Your Home Defining Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning Carbon monoxide poisoning by definition is “an illness caused by exposure to too much carbon monoxide: a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas”.  Too much carbon monoxide in the air you breathe can greatly diminish your ability to absorb oxygen, leading to serious tissue damage.

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Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality During Allergy Season 4

Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality During Allergy Season

Protecting Your Home’s Air Quality During Allergy Season It won’t be too much longer when the weather will turn warm and stay that way for several months. Warmer weather means trees and flowers blooming. Trees and flowers blooming means our cars, driveways, patios, rooftops and anything else exposed to the outside elements will be covered

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Why is it important to replace your old thermostat? 5

Why is it important to replace your old thermostat?

Why replace your old thermostat? There are several reasons why you should, especially if you still have one of the old “dial type” thermostats. Think about this: are you still using the first computer you bought? Think of the advances in technology that have been made since the old Commodore 64 computer. Even the iPhone

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air conditioner repair and replacement

What do HVAC Energy Efficiency Ratings Mean?

What do HVAC Energy Efficiency Ratings Mean? If you are in the market to upgrade your home’s heating and cooling system, you may be looking for a new model that is more energy efficient than your current model. Fortunately, there is great news when it comes to HVAC energy efficiency! There are numerous models available

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Ten Energy Saving Tips for Pensacola Homeowners 6

Ten Energy Saving Tips for Pensacola Homeowners

Ten Energy Saving Tips for Pensacola Homeowners As a homeowner living in the Panhandle, you already know a significant portion of your energy usage goes towards powering your heating and air conditioning system. But you shouldn’t have to worry every time you open your energy bill that the number before you will be astronomical —

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Why Proper Installation is the Key to Maximize HVAC Efficiency 7

Why Proper Installation is the Key to Maximize HVAC Efficiency

Purchasing a new energy-efficient air conditioner for your home probably isn’t anything you’re concentrating on right now. But if you are leaning towards buying a better system, good for you. Today’s high-efficiency systems not only save you money, but they also provide a good service toward the environment. When you get ready to purchase your

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Your AC Unit vs. Your Thermostat 8

Your AC Unit vs. Your Thermostat

Your thermostat is essential for keeping you comfortable indoors, protecting you, your family, and even your pets from dangerous levels of cold or hot weather, not to mention Florida’s sometimes unbearable humidity. However, many people are unsure how the thermostat and the AC unit actually work together, and how they differ. Here are details, functions,

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How to Maximize Your Home’s Insulation 9

How to Maximize Your Home’s Insulation

Having an under-insulated attic is one of the biggest energy sucking culprits in your home. Luckily, there are several easy steps you can take to ensure your attic is properly insulated, which may save you a considerable amount on your energy bills each month. Read below for steps on how to properly insulate your attic.

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