Kelsey Lawrence

DIY Ways to Cut Your Home’s Energy Bill 1

DIY Ways to Cut Your Home’s Energy Bill

You’ve swapped your incandescent light bulbs for CFLs, turned down the thermostat, and only wash clothes using the cold water setting. Then why are your utility bills still so high? Air leaks are likely culprits, but so are “phantom” power suckers, such as flat-screen TVs, which draw energy even when they’re off. We’ve outlined five […]

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What are you getting from your maintenance agreement_ climatech pro air

What Are You Really Getting With Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement in Florida?

What Are You Really Getting With Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement in Florida? HVAC maintenance agreements are common for most homeowners. It only takes one A/C breakdown on an unbearably hot Pensacola day to make you realize the importance of your HVAC system. Once you have your system repaired, you may wonder what can be done

What Are You Really Getting With Your HVAC Maintenance Agreement in Florida? Read More »

tips for making your home more energy efficient

Tips For Improving the Efficiency and Comfort of Your Florida Home

Tips for improving the efficiency and comfort of your home: At Climatech, we are committed to helping keep your home running as comfortable and efficiently as possible. We know that usually half of your home’s energy bills are attributed to your HVAC system. Aside from making sure your system is maintained and up to date,

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duct cleaning in florida climatech pro air

Should I Have My Ducts Cleaned Regularly In Florida?

Should I Have My Ducts Cleaned Regularly In Florida? Many homeowners wonder if they should have their ductwork cleaned on a regular basis. There are many businesses that advertise the benefits of regularly cleaning ductwork to remove dirt, mold, and other contaminants that could dirty your indoor air. Other businesses say duct cleaning doesn’t make

Should I Have My Ducts Cleaned Regularly In Florida? Read More »

Variable Speed Compressors for efficiency

The Benefits of Variable Speed Compressors For Indoor Comfort & Efficiency

The Benefits of Variable Speed Compressors When it comes to your home’s heating and cooling system, you can trust Climatech of Professional Air to recommend the best system for your individual needs. Variable Speed Compressors are a great, new technology because they keep your home cool and comfortable in the summer and can even regulate your

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combatting humidity in florida

Controlling The Humidity Inside Your Home- Tips and Tricks for Floridians

Controlling The Humidity Inside Your Home If you go outside in the Panhandle anytime between March and November, you can feel the humidity in the air almost immediately. Make-up often feels heavy and starts to slide off. If you styled your hair, it falls and sticks to your neck. It’s not the most pleasant feeling,

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It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Humidity! Humidity Control In Pensacola

It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Humidity! We’ve all heard the saying before: It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity. In Pensacola and the surrounding area, it is, by all means, both. When you are outside in the summer heat, there isn’t too much you can do to prevent experiencing both heat and humidity. However,

It’s Not The Heat, It’s The Humidity! Humidity Control In Pensacola Read More »