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types of insulation diy

What’s one way you can stay comfortable in your home this winter while also saving money? Ensure your home is properly insulated. Most of our energy use comes from heating in the winter and cooling in the summer, so don’t waste money by letting conditioned air escape your home. Learn more about the types of insulation and how you can install them yourself to save money on your energy bills. 

What is insulation?

What is insulation? It’s a resistant material that reduces heat transfer, keeping conditioned air in your home and outside air out. Depending on the type, thickness, and density of the insulation in your home, you can experience better climate control and energy efficiency, but the trick is having the right insulation where you need it. The Environmental Protection Agency states homeowners save about 15% every year on heating and cooling costs with proper insulation.

Types of Insulation DIY

Not all insulation is created equal. There are different types of insulation, made from various materials for different applications. Common insulation materials are fiberglass, cellulose, foam, mineral wool, and natural fibers.

Rolled Insulation

Rolled insulation is the most DIY-friendly insulation type as well as one of the most affordable. It’s constructed of fiberglass, cotton, mineral wool, or plastic fibers rolled up and designed to fit between rafters, wall studs, and floor joists. When installing yourself, roll the insulation out and place it in desired areas. Do not force the insulation to fit into tight areas by compression. Instead, cut the insulation with a utility knife so it fits properly. 

Blanket Batts

Insulation batts also come in pre-cut sections that fit between rafters, wall studs, and floor joists. Blanket batts are also very affordable and great for those who want to install the installation themselves. Blanket batts are made from fiberglass, cellulose, mineral wool, natural fibers and recyclable materials, giving you the option to choose what will work best for your home. They’re easy to handle, but may not seal gaps as well as rolled insulation. 

Loose-Fill Insulation diy

Loose fill insulation is great to install in attics where there are oddly-shaped or hard-to-reach places. This type of insulation is constructed of fiberglass, rock wool, or recycled materials. For installation, you will need special equipment that can be rented to blow or spray the insulation into place. While it may cost a little more since you have to rent the equipment, it’s great for filling in gaps and getting in tight-squeezes where insulation is needed.

Spray Foam Insulation diy

Spray foam insulation is similar to loose-fill insulation in that you may need special equipment to get the job done, if it’s a large space. If there are only small gaps or areas that you need to fill in, this insulation comes in an easy-to-use spray can. Once sprayed, the liquid latex or polyurethane foam expands and hardens in place. This type of insulation is great for oddly-shaped places, small gaps, and sealing around doors and windows. Once the foam sets, it can even be trimmed and painted.

What Can I Do?

If you’re planning to insulate your home yourself, first you’ll need to decide where you’re going to use the insulation. Walls and attics are the most important places you should have insulation to prevent heat from rising out of your home. However, don’t neglect insulating walls and basements as well, as you could be losing energy from those parts of your home. Use an insulation calculator to figure out how much you need, or get an inspection from a professional. 

Please also note the materials used in insulation are known to be skin irritants, so using protective covering on your skin and over your eyes is imperative when handling it yourself. 

Learn More

Climatech of Professional Air is your local American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Customer Care Dealer in Pensacola, Fl. We regularly post tips, tricks, and home improvement ideas to help keep you comfortable. 

For questions about our services call (850) 857-4700. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!